
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So. It’s almost 5 am. I got off shift at 10 pm, went to bed at 12. Got called back in at 3 am for a continuity patient. I’m supposed to work clinic in the morning. That’s so not going to happen anymore. Sorry clinic people.

October was a busy month. I caught 7 babies. With this catch I’ll be at 48! I’ve caught nearly as many babies in these last 4 months as I did in my entire first year of school.

Other than catching babies I didn’t do a whole lot. I went to the beach a couple of weeks ago. Basically just napped the whole time I was there. It was nice to just sleep. I’ve never appreciated sleep as much as I do now.

I spend a lot of time working on assignments at Starbucks. It’s kind of a comfort thing. It’s nice to have somewhere that feels a bit like home. Actually, the entire new mall that opened up in May feels like home. I go there and walk around when I need to feel normal, which is a lot lately.

I found a Japanese place I like quite a bit. Dynamite rolls are the bomb. Hehe. Actually Heidi and I are planning to poke around Japan for a week or so on our way home in July. We’re planning on going to the Studio Ghibli museum which is a really big deal for me! I also plan on finding Godzilla. Tokyo here I come in... 36 weeks! That’s weird. I have less than a full pregnancy left before I go home. Time goes by so fast here!

My brother may be coming to visit in April. I’m super excited for that! I really miss him and my family and it would be fun to show him around and stuff. He’d even possibly be here for graduation in May! And for the Avengers movie so I’d have someone to geek out with.

So... it turns out I make really good bread. Who’d have thought? So far I’ve made bagels, biscuits, and two different kinds of bread (One’s a quick bread, the other is a self rising bread) My rosemary bread never has any leftovers. I even made four loaves last time to try and make sure there’d be left overs! I really enjoy it. I’m making bread for Thanksgiving because that’s just how I roll. Hehe. Ok I’ll stop with the puns now. Maybe.

Hmmm... What else? My brain is fried. It’s 5:20 am and I’ve only had 2 hours of sleep. I’m going to try and rest for a little bit. My patient is 9 cm, but she’s sleeping in her cubical so I think I’ve got a little bit of time. As always thank you for your prayers and support! Letters and packages are always welcome!

Here’s some pictures of a friend and I enjoying some sushi!